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Undergraduate programs:

Chemical Engineering and Technology, Process Equipment and Control Engineering, Fine Chemical Engineering, and Applied Chemistry.

【Chemical Engineering and Technology】

Cultivation Goals: To meet the needs of the regional economic construction and industry and the social development, and to keep in pace with the country, and the international standards actively. It aims to teach chemical engineering and technology knowledge, to train the technical personnel in engaging in engineering design, technology application development, production technology management and scientific research work complex engineering and chemical field research and development personnel.

Cultivation Requirements: To master the basic theory of chemical engineering and technology disciplines, get the basic skills in professional knowledge in the chemical and chemical experimental skills, engineering practice, computer applications, and scientific research and engineering design, and have the basic ability of optimizing and innovating the existing production process and developing and designing the new processes and new products.

Major Courses: advanced mathematics, information retrieval, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical engineering, chemical reaction engineering, separation engineering, chemical thermodynamics, chemical technology, chemical design, chemical technology economy, chemical safety production.

Main Practice Teaching Links: basic chemistry experiment, chemical unit operation experiment, chemical basic experiment, chemical industry experiment, production practice, graduation practice, curriculum design, chemical process design, social practice, graduation thesis (design) and so on.

Degree To Be Granted: Bachelor of Engineering

Study Duration: four years

【Process Equipment and Control Engineering】

Cultivation Goals: The major cultivates students with the basic knowledge of natural science, engineering and scientific basic knowledge and process equipment and control engineering expertise and practical ability. To cultivate the complex advanced engineering and technical personnel who can engage in the process of equipment and control engineering research and development, design and manufacturing, monitoring and control, security, operation and maintenance engineering technology, and education, management in the fields of chemical industry, petrochemical, metallurgy, machinery, light industry, energy, pharmaceutical, building materials.

Cultivation Requirements: The students mainly learn the basic theory and basic knowledge of mechanical, technological process and control engineering, and receive the training in computer technology, mechanical engineering technology, monitoring and control technology, and master the basic ability in mechanical design, process equipment and control engineering design.

Major Courses: advanced mathematics, information retrieval, engineering graphics, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, mechanical design basics (mechanical principles, mechanical parts), chemical (process) principles, engineering materials, process equipment design, process fluid machinery, process equipment control technology and application, process equipment manufacturing technology and so on.

Main Practice Teaching Links: military training, metalworking practice, understanding of practice, production practice, graduation practice, mechanical basic experiment, process principle experiment, professional experiment, curriculum design, graduation design (thesis) and so on. In the case of

Degree To Be Granted: Bachelor of Engineering.

Study Duration: four years.

【Applied Chemistry】

Cultivation Goals: To teach the basic theory of chemistry and applied chemistry, basic knowledge and basic skills, to develop the basic ability of chemical new products, new technology and new process, to cultivate the senior scientific and technological personnel who can engage in the research institutions, institutions of higher learning and enterprises of chemical and chemical industry, energy, metallurgy, materials, environmental protection and other fields.

Cultivation Requirements: Mainly learning the basic knowledge, basic theory, basic skills in fine synthesis and modern industrial analysis technology and new materials in, and related engineering and technical knowledge, to get the basic training of scientific research, to master the basic ability of scientific research, technology development and technology management with the use of knowledge and experimental skills have learnt.

Major Courses: advanced mathematics, information retrieval, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, structural chemistry, chemical foundation, chemical mapping, modern instrumental analysis, catalytic chemistry, inorganic synthesis chemistry, organic synthesis chemistry, fine chemicals chemistry, separation chemistry, surface structural analysis, radiochemistry, green chemistry and so on.

Main Practice Teaching Links: military training, chemical comprehensive experiment, a professional comprehensive experiment, production practice, scientific research and training, social practice, curriculum design, graduation design (thesis) and so on.

Degree To Be Granted: Bachelor of Science.

Study Duration: four years.